Watch Call times/lights and inform experience team when appropriate
When a resident concern is brought to you, listen, empathize but never validate; ensure concern gets to the right person
Go to person for resident and family questions
Keeper of the Salon and visitation schedule
Emergency Preparedness binders are up to date
Name Game
Build organic relationships and make community experiences as positive as possible
Create and maintain an atmosphere of warmth, optimism, and interest in the needs and desires of others
Get to know others by name and by using FRAME to better understand history and preferences
Focus on problem solving, maintain confidentiality, seek first to understand then to be understood
Ferociously guard relationships
Better Together
Be an activities promoter. Get residents and families excited for activities for the day
We are a team; Help where needed
Get to know the team members in Convivium, Resident Experience, Social Network, Property Experience and Leadership. This will assist in easily knowing who to direct each phone call to and create a strong team environment
Efficient is Effective
Guard Sales time from 9-3, no vendor visits unless scheduled